NetApp snapmirror lagtime check cdot with PowerShell

# Snapmirror cleanup – update all snapmirrors with lagtime over one week and idle

$mirrors = @()

Get-NcSnapmirror | %{
$sm = “” | Select “Source”,”Destination”,”Status”,”State”,”LagTime”

$sm.Source = $_.SourceLocation
$sm.Destination = $_.DestinationLocation
$sm.Status = $_.Status
$sm.State = $_.MirrorState
$sm.LagTime = $_.LagTime

$mirrors += $sm



write-output $mirrors | export-csv snap.csv

# write-output $mirrors | Format-table -AutoSize

# write-Output $mirrors | where- {$sm.LagTime -gt 604800 -and $sm.Status -eq “idle”} | Format-Table -AutoSize

NetApp update shelf firmware cdot

From the CDOT CLI:

Change to the advanced privilege level:

set -priv adv

To download the firmware:

system firmware download -package http://web_server/ -nodenodename

To manually update the disk shelf firmware without rebooting:

system node run -node nodename -command storage download shelf

To manually update the ACPP firmware without rebooting:

system node run -node nodename -command storage download acp

~ from cosonoks’s blog

Delete volumes, relationships, snapshots, snapvaults, snapmirrors in NetApp cDot

anystor300::*> volume delete -vserver anyvsrv001_esxh -volume T2C0_vol1320_someipms325_Export -disable-offline-check true

Error: command failed: Volume “T2C0_vol1320_someipms325_Export” in Vserver “anyvsrv001_esxh” is the source endpoint of one or more SnapMirror relationships. Before you
delete the volume, you must release the source information of the SnapMirror relationships using “snapmirror release”. To display the destinations to be used in the
“snapmirror release” commands, use the “snapmirror list-destinations -source-vserver anyvsrv001_esxh -source-volume T2C0_vol1320_someipms325_Export” command.

anystor300::*> snapmirror list-destinations -source-vserver anyvsrv001_esxh -source-volume T2C0_vol1320_someipms325_Export
Source             Destination         Transfer   Last         Relationship
Path         Type  Path         Status Progress   Updated      Id
———– —– ———— ——- ——— ———— —————
DP    somevsrv001_esxh:T2C0_lun1026_someipms325_Export_vol
Idle    –         –            2a3a0416-40f0-11e5-9b65-123478563412

anystor300::*> snapmirror release -source-vserver anyvsrv001_esxh -source-volume T2C0_vol1320_someipms325_Export *
[Job 39418] Job succeeded: SnapMirror Release Succeeded
1 entry was acted on.

anystor300::*> volume delete -vserver anyvsrv001_esxh -volume T2C0_vol1320_someipms325_Export -disable-offline-check true

Warning: Are you sure you want to delete volume “T2C0_vol1320_someipms325_Export” in Vserver “anyvsrv001_esxh” ? {y|n}: y
[Job 39419] Job succeeded: Successful

Netapp Clustermode force delete a reference snapshot


For Reference: To Force Delete the SnapMirror Snapshot

na81::> set diag

na81::*> snapshot delete -vserver vs1 -volume testshare -snapshot snapmirror.15991611-422d-11e3-8578-123478563412_9_2147484694.2013-11-30_142009 -ignore-owners true

Warning: This Snapshot copy is currently used as a reference Snapshot copy by one or more SnapMirror relationships. Deleting the Snapshot copy can cause future SnapMirror operations to fail. Are you sure you want to delete ‘snapmirror.15991611-422d-11e3-8578-123478563412_9_2147484694.2013-11-30_142009’ for volume ‘testshare’ in Vserver ‘vs1’? YES

How to create a consistency based snapshot of multiple volumes in NetApp cDot, then flexclones

  1. Identify the volumes to be part of the consistency group snapshot.
  2. You can create a new snapshot policy or an existing.
  3. Assign the policy to the volumes in question.
  4. Go to Schedules and create a new schedule or modify the existing to start at the desired time
  5. Once the snapshots have been created you can create the flexclone volumes.